5 years ago Tags Atlanta Magic City Is Recession Proof If the mayor and governor wouldn’t have closed the city of Atlanta for self quarantine, would the strip clubs still
8 years ago Tags college Tuition College Tuition Is Free In New York College Tuition is on its way to being free in New York City. Under the plan — which New York
13 years ago Tags Amber Rose Ice Cube Vh1 Special I recently watched a VH1 special about Ice Cube life as a hip hopper. Vh1 put together a really good
13 years ago Tags Amber Rose Do All Rappers Sell Drugs? Do All Rappers Sell Drugs? It seems like every time I turn on the Radio, some dude who is rapping
14 years ago Tags Billy Hunter Got Damn The NBA Lockout Out too Okay, so the first thing that I’m saying is “Got Dam” another lockout. The NBA is really trying to get