5G Cell Phones May be the Problem
Is cell phones with the 5 G technology possibly causing cancer? We all carry cell phones on our persons, but how is it affecting our bodies? Cell phones emit harmful radiation to the body. From Blue tooth to I-phones to Android phones, they all carry a powerful frequency that’s picked up by cell phone towers. Every phone has the potential to be harmful.
As of late, the 5 g cell phone companies ran into a huge problem with the FAA and claims the power of the 5 g interferes with the plane’s ability to land. The cell phone companies and the Federal Aviation Administration, were in talks to decide how the 5 G wireless technology would be used at airports.
The power of the 5 G’s impact on airplanes is tremendous. Imagine the effects on the body and how people will be affected. Radiation can cause cancer, and 5 G towers may be a real problem in the future. Many Americans may use their 5 G cell phone as a plus rather than a hindrance. Without the thought of how it is impacting their physical health.
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This whole pandemic is a result of 5g and new technology being implemented. Have you noticed the vast upgrade of digital robots, chats, moving videos, tik tok filters etc that we’ve seen just in 2 years. So much, it’s effecting our whole being. Not even talking about how you speak something and you see the advertisement, and video recommendations. And even when you think something, you see something in reference to it. It’s getting sick, and who know the total effect all of this is playing. Thanks for writing this article
Yes, I have noticed all that you speak of and more. I think we have to pick periods and times when we detox from the technology, so we can stay focused and deal with it, accordingly.
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