Bow Wow Got to Pay $80K
Bow Wow must of been drink and forgot that any images that do not belong to him he has to pay for it. Bow Wow has to pay a French Porn Star Celine Tran — known as “Katsuni” for taking images of her dancing and using it in his video. This simple move is going to cost Bow Wow $
80,000.00 for the infringement. Bow Wow tried to Do a Gangsta move and ignore the lawsuit until the Judge ordered him to pay The Lady …lol. Just think for $80,000.00 he didn’t even get no ass ! lol
Bow Wow Ordered to Pay French Porn Star $80,000 |
Bow Wow Ordered to Pay French Porn Star $80,000. Exclusive. 0315-bow–wow-celine-tran-tmz Bow Wow has to cough up nearly $80,000 to a French porn star …. for allegedly jacking footage of her dancing and splashing it …
Publish Date: 03/18/2013 3:30
Bow Wow Ordered to Pay Porn Star $80K for Including Her in His …
Celine Tran better known as Katsuni claims Bow Wow’s ‘Drank in My Cup‘ video unlawfully contains clips of her pole dancing.
Publish Date: 03/18/2013 4:12