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Educated Derelicts and The Microwave Society



Educated Derelicts and the Microwave Society is a growing epidemic in the United States.

You may be a professional, college student, or even in high school student, and be just as lost about what you want to do with your life as most folks out here in these streets. The Microwave Society and Educated Derelicts are all around us. I was having a conversation wit my property manager, who said “her daughter keeps jumping from one job to the next.” She replied ” folks born in the 80’s and 90’s just don’t have a clue on how they want to move out here in society.” I agreed of course and begin to explain to her that “folks see the quick rewards of successful people and want the same thing without doing the work.”

Many people young an old seem to move through life without any purpose or direction. Educated Derelicts get degrees but never really find there true purpose in most cases. In most cases, the society of younger folks, over heard some one say that you should go to school, get a good job, have kids and grow old. But, growing up in a Microwave Society makes for a bad situation when you have no patience, and want money cars women, and fame rather quickly with no work involved. A lot of folks are not buying into the old adage that was passed down from our grandparents and parents generation. We want more but the problem is most don’t know how to go about getting it.

The Microwave generation is almost a hopeless case, unless someone can show them how having the right information, and well devised plan can get them close to their goals. The Educated Derelict needs to reexamine his/her beliefs about what a real education is, and find a purpose in life that is fulling so they don’t spend their whole life on the treadmill doing what they really don’t want to do.

Time will tell if things ever fix themselves


Good Study Habits


School has started, and students in schools on all levels are going to classes to increase their education. As

Students at Parkland Aero Technology Magnet Sc...
Students at Parkland Aero Technology Magnet School studying sunspots. (Caption From Original)Research SOHO scientist Daniel Mueller from the European Space Agency talks to students of Parkland Magnet School in Rockville, MD. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

teachers hand out assignments many students are formulating their good and bad habits. As you know, one one of the most important habits a student can have is good study habits. Good Study habits is the basis of what makes for a great education among American Students.

Teaching study skills and physiology at the same time – Blogs


Mon, 17 Aug 2015 05:00:09 -0700

What is one of the best ways to help your students learn science? Help them learn how to study! You may have noticed that your job as a professor seems to go much more smoothly and students do better when most of your …

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Good and Bad Study Habits to Learn About | PSLE English


Tue, 28 Jul 2015 07:13:58 -0700

Preparing for an exam requires test takers to learn about the good study habits to adopt and bad study habits to avoid. I have been teaching for many years, and I have always taught my students to ensure that they know how …

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Developing Good Study Habits – 18 Keys To Successful Study


Fri, 30 Oct 2009 13:37:30 -0700

This is about developing good study habits rather than skills. Skills make you better at studying. Habits make you better for studying. Do these daily then share your tips.

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How to Better Your Study Habits and Get Good Grades in School – Kantis Simmons



Kantis Simmons, Academic Success Expert, School Motivational Speaker, and Leading authority on Student Achievement details four ways to build some strong habits.

Whether you are are middle school student, high school student, college student, or adult taking classes online this video will give you some RIGHT NOW applicable ideas to achieve more in school, get better grades, and stay more focused when studying.

For more advice on how to make this this best school year you ever had visit:

To find out how you can book Kantis for your school event:

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  • 4 ways to make sure your student has a great first semester

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