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Is India The New Superpower

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Does India have what it takes to take over the global economy and become the next superpower ? The US has been among the global leaders in the worlds economy for centuries. Many of the underdeveloped third world countries have started to gain some power buy developing their own economies. As the United States, starts to lose buying power, with the falling dollar other countries seem to be getting stronger, and India is at the top of the list along with China.

Taj Mahal, Agra, India. Deutsch: Taj Mahal im ...
Taj Mahal, Agra, India. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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India – the next *SUPERPOWER*

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The World’s Next Superpower by Mark Finley

The USA is the world super power today. But who will be the next? Is it China? Is it Russia? Or even India? See what Bible prophecy has to say. Watch this video and many more for free at www.beyondpatmos.org



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