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Does Motivational Speaking Really Work?

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Motivational speaking, is it good or bad? Many people have turned to public speaking as a way to get going in their life

motivational speaking
motivating a crowd

and in business. Can speaking positively to a crowd of people really help them grow? There so many gurus in this industry. Is the industry really working or are they preaching and selling products. Motivational Speaking is big business. People like Tony Robbins, Eric “The Hip Hop Preacher ” Thomas, Les Brown are the standard with new comers on the rise.

Can motivating someone help them win big in life? Or is it like church on a Sunday morning, just pass the collection plate? I have felt inspired myself by some of the top gurus, but I don’t think, it has helped my professional life to a large degree, but could just be me.

How has Motivational Speaking helped or hurt you ?


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