Dan Kennedy No B.S. Pricing
Pricing is a key component for you to achieve the sales you want. I have been reading Dan Kennedy’s No B.S. Pricing, and have learned a lot in the thinking of how to price your products. 99 cents is really not the best pricing model for most products, because you attract a certain type of customer better know as tire kickers. When you learn the theory of pricing you will begin to see maximum profits as a results. Pricing is a psychology that one has to play around with in order to find that balance between what price is good, and what is not so good. Maximum profits come through trial and error.
No BS Pricing Strategy
The quickest way to make large sums of money is to offer the deluxe version. You could be underpricing your services. Watch as Dan Kennedy explains how
NO BS LIVE TV – Your Pricing Strategy – Small Business Marketing Tips
nobstv.dankennedy.com On this week’s episode, I share three of my most valuable tips on pricing strategy that will help you avoid a pricing disaster. Also on the show, John Melley joins me via Skype to discuss his new AudioMercial service.
NO BS LIVE TV – Special Extended “Ask Bill” Edition – Small Business Marketing Tips
nobstv.dankennedy.com On today’s episode of NO BS LIVE TV, you provided the questions, and Bill Glazer is here with the answers. Watch this special episode of NO BS LIVE TV where Bill Glazer answers questions from 4 NO BS LIVE TV viewers looking for …
Dan Kennedy is a master at Internet Marketing. Many of your gurus of today has worked with Dan in some way or another. I believe that it is very important to know how to sale online as well as offline. I have several Dan Kennedy Books and I can’t tell you have helpful they have been to me and my team.
Be An Authority and Drive Sales With No BS Social Media Marketing
Ten Marketing Rules To Live Or Die By