Did Eric Garner Die from Racism or A Lack of Common Sense?
Eric Garner was a young black male, who was recently killed by a New York Police officer in
broad day light. Eric Garner’s story is like so many African Americans who some how were killed or harassed by the NYPD or the LAPD. Eric seemed to be the victim of what we know to be racism, but the real question is could his life been spared if he used some common sense, and not fought back and resisted the police ? Is it safe to stay that generation x has a lack of common sense ? Our parents and grandparents seemed to survive lynchings, being burned, and pure death as a result of not resisting arrest some times, and using their common sense. Now, I am not saying that you should let someone beat your ass, but what I am saying is using common sense is even better.
I think the Hip Hop Generation didn’t learn from our parents when they told us ” common
sense is better than book smarts. ” Eric Garner has been quietly swept under the rug, like so many other
black males, or African American’s who were killed due to racist behavior by other ethnic groups. The real question is can one retaliate, and stay alive with the white racist police looming every time you encounter the nations biggest gang called the police department ?
cool water
Eric Garner Could Have Been Me | Damon Hart – Huffington Post
Tue, 22 Jul 2014 22:44:24 GMT
The recent death of Eric Garner, while in police custody, horrified and angered me. A video shows that police placed Garner in a choke hold, a tactic prohibited by NYPD policy. And a second video shows that police failed to …
My 16 year old daughter’s comment about the Eric Garner murder by …
Tue, 29 Jul 2014 18:06:37 GMT
The case about Eric Garner, the 400 lb man who was killed by the NYPD using a choke hold, is making the rounds on tumblr. In the discussion, there was the usual accusation of racism. My 16 year old daughter posted this …
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Widow of Eric Garner speaks at protest rally over NYPD ‘chokehold …
Sat, 26 Jul 2014 16:16:45 GMT
The widow of Eric Garner, who died after a New York police department officer put him in a chokehold, stood before a crowd of supporters on Saturday morning, dressed in a T-shirt that carried the words: “This stops today.”.
Here’s What Some Cops Are Saying About the Death of Eric Garner …
Tue, 22 Jul 2014 16:54:01 GMT
Emotions are running high over the case of Eric Garner, a Staten Island man who died last week while under the restraint of NYPD officers. Social media activist have mobilized under the #JusticeForEricGarner hashtag. There …